Surekha Bhosale

Personal Branding: The Why & How For Budding Entrepreneurs

Introduction :

Are you someone who is starting to consider a Small Business Entrepreneurship and dreams of having a successful venture of your own? Then you know, what value today Personal Branding has and how it cannot be overlooked while establishing business success.

To back it up, here is a quote on successful Personal Branding stated by a self-made and well-known richest entrepreneur in the world. You heard of this name once, twice, or even thrice for that matter in your lifetime. Here’s your clue: He is a billionaire and an entrepreneur just like Elon Musk, and Richard Branson who is currently also funding affordable travels to space.

Well, guessed it? Yes!!! I bet most of you’ve probably realized whom I’m referring to. It’s none other but Jeff Bezos. Now let’s see regarding what he defines on the same.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.”

What does this mean? In short, branding yourself in a way is aligning who you are with what you do. Crafting one is beneficial as it distinguishes you from the competition and enables you to build trust with employers and prospective clients. With that said, in this post, I will help you understand in brief what a personal brand encompasses, its significance, and how it helps an entrepreneur in business. All right, let’s start…..

What Is A Personal Brand Or Personal Branding For Professionals and Entrepreneurs?

For some professionals and entrepreneurs, the concept of “personal branding” does not sit well. They have many misconceptions. But, mostly revolving around one question – How Do I Define My Personal Brand?

Also Read: How to Successfully Build Your Personal Brand?

Your Personal Brand alludes to how you promote yourself. It is the expertise, personality, and experience that you want everybody else to see about you. It can be an amalgamation of how the media portrays you, the idea people get from the data they find about you online, and how they perceive you IRL (In Real Life). You can utilize your personal branding to stand out from others.

However, you need to remember that having a personal brand and a reputation does not mean the same. Both are two completely different things. To clear your doubts, let’s know what’s the difference between them are:

personal brand

  • Is something that is self-defined. It’s how you dress and act. It’s what you broadcast to the world via social media
  • Is basically, what you speak about yourself


  • Is an opinion about someone else, arrived at as an appraisal and outcome of the evaluation
  • Is what others speak about you

Hope you now have an idea with reference to – What’s a Personal Brand?

Why Is Personal Branding For Entrepreneurs So Important In 2021?

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged and changed the way business works, possibly forever. But one thing that hasn’t changed for most entrepreneurs and Top Entrepreneurs is the importance of how the clients and potential clients view your achievements, your personality, your approach, and the quality of your work.

Also Read: Want to Find More Clients? | Focus on these 4 Vital Tips to Brand Yourself

Your personal brand (the sum of the above and additional factors) remains as important as ever, as it is the ultimate source of your belief or trust. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how to release its full potential. There are several other significant functions personal branding carries out. They are:

  1. Builds Credibility
  1. Showcases Your Specialties
  1. Connects with Your Target Audience
  1. Supports a Corporate Brand

Need the Best Way To Brand Yourself? We help you to brand your identity digitally within a span of 2 days at an affordable price via our effective Personal Branding Services at YourProfileCard today!!!

How does personal branding help an entrepreneur in business?

Personal Branding In Business not only assists an entrepreneur to showcase themselves as an authority in their field, get them featured in online but also enables them to build a community.

In addition to it here are the other pros that personal brands provide entrepreneurs within a business:

  • Differentiate products in saturated markets
  • Build credibility for raising capital
  • Gain more traction in the press

So, how do you go about Creating A Personal Brand Identity That’s Outstanding? Here are the 3 tips a Self Employed Entrepreneur needs to consider and execute during building a personal brand and its identity:

Tip 1: Know why you’re building a personal brand

Okay, so it’s clear that you want a personal brand if you need to be successful. But how precisely is it going to assist you? What are your set reasons for wanting to craft a strong brand? Getting clear about what you’re trying to accomplish with your brand will help you map out the steps to arrive there.

Tip 2: Find your brand story and craft your brand framework

Before you begin telling your story, you need to work out what that story will be. What do you want to be recognized for? What will make you unique against your competition? It’s vital that you develop an in-depth understanding of your Personal Brand Identity and Brand Personality.

A personal brand framework, or story, consists of a number of key elements like Brand purpose, Core values, Strengths, Skills (Example: Soft & Hard Skills For Entrepreneurs), and Tangible brand elements.

Tip 3: Share your brand story with the world

Now that you know what your story will be, you can begin bringing your new story to life.

But it’s not just about what you speak, it’s how you speak it. Be certain to create a captivating look and feel and utilize a constant brand voice on any platform you’re active on along with your actions and words – that’s what going to communicate your personality and craft a thorough image of who you are.

Also Read: How to build your Personal Brand on Social Media

Takeaway (Five Must-Follow Personal Branding Guidelines For Entrepreneurs)

Crafting a personal brand is a bit more complex than crafting a corporate brand. Although, whether we like it or not, we are constantly being judged by people around us based on whom we are presenting ourselves to be. Therefore, considering a Personal Branding Strategy needs to be treated as an integral part of your overall business strategy, as it helps in leveraging your past experiences, success stories, failures, future plans and makes you socially influential.

Here are some guidelines that entrepreneurs need to implement and also include in their YOU Brand planning:

  • Defining The Five Pillars of Your Persona (experience, expertise, vision, values, and tonality)
  • Establishing Your Online Presence
  • Attracting Attention Through Influencers
  • Building Credibility With Clients And Investors
  • Putting It All Together: The Narrative

Final Word

Being an entrepreneur, it becomes crucial to invest effort and time in developing a personal brand. However, if you don’t do so, competitors will take benefit and increase their brand value, which may harm an entrepreneur’s image. Hence, know why you’re building a personal brand, find your brand story and craft your brand framework, and share your brand story with the world, if you ensure and allocate several hours, efforts towards it you’re sure to reap its benefits. 

Also, before I conclude please do not forget to implement the takeaway that I’ve shared above (almost recommended by every Personal Branding Coach).

Best of Luck with Branding Yourself!!!

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