Surekha Bhosale

Personal Branding Checklist | 5 Key Ways To Brand You In 2020

Introduction :

We’re living in a time of unpredictability, as there’s a lot of noise and competition to cut through online in today’s increasingly digital age. As the world begins to pivot online, having a strong personal brand and a presence online is more important than ever. Your personal brand is the image you place forth. It’s what you stand for. What you’re all about. The heart of who you are as a individual. Your personal brand is your secret ingredient, the thing that sets you apart from everyone else. It’s what makes you unique as an individual and shape’s the way people think about you. In this blog post you’re going to learn about how to brand yourself effectively through our ultimate checklist via the 5 essential ways to personal branding in 2020 along with how useful is personal branding in boosting a business.

So with that said let’s dive in!!! But wait before we begin can you guess – Why Personal Branding Matters In This Digital Age?

Even if you do not know, every entrepreneur, consultant, coach, and freelancer should get right into it as below I’ll answer the WHY?

#1: Shows Value 

Personal branding enables you to control your own image without putting it in Google’s hands.

#2: Builds Self-Awareness

Having a personal brand allows you to show what really matters to you and what you are actually interested in.

#3: Networking

When you possess a strong personal brand, you also possess a strong network. A personal brand will associate you with potential employers as well as opportunities.

#4: Improves Visibility

On average, employees possess 10 times followers more than a brand. Why? Because people trust people. Encourage your employees to be visible and active online, which will only serve to build more exposure for your firm.

#5: Business Growth

Again, clients trust individuals much more than they do unidentified corporations. By developing a personal brand you also have the unique opportunity to expand your business.

#6: Authenticity

A personal brand cannot be a fake persona or a contrived voice. Displaying authenticity is a great way to build the admiration and trust of your followers.

#7: Professional Excellence

By crafting a personal brand, you also help yourself craft yourself as a professional. A personal brand will help you realize areas of expertise to excel in.

#8: Sales Goals

Sales reps that utilise social media outsell 78% of their peers. Why? More connections! More opportunity! More business!

#9: Marketing Goals

Employee’s media activities convert seven (7) times more frequently than other leads. What better way to produce sales than through the happy faces of your employees that are assisting clients to make purchasing decisions.

5 Key Ways To Brand You In 2020 [The Ultimate Checklist]

Here’s a checklist with 5 key approaches that you must implement if you want to build a strong personal brand in 2020:


Benefits Of Personal Branding In Boosting A Business

Below are few of the ways in which personal branding is beneficial in boosting business:

Boosting credibility

Business growth relies majorly on credibility for expansion. A credible business is bound to grow quite faster. Your personal brand is one of the best ways to boost your credibility of business. When you present yourself as an expert in your industry, you will be observed as an authoritative figure and thus work to boost your credibility of business. As a hint, you must focus on media exposure as a way of doing personal branding to boost your credibility of business.

Stand out from the competition

With the ever-increasing competition in the market, to stand out from the rest you will require a strong personal brand. With a strong personal brand, clients can swiftly identify with your brand. This makes it simple for you to win over the competition.

Connect with customers

When you build a personal brand, you will have a unique taste that clients can distinguish you with. This will help you to link with the clients well and thus promote customer loyalty, which is a vital aspect of business growth.

From above, it is seemingly clear that personal branding is not just for a person but also a significant thing to do for business growth.

Building a Personal Brand | 3 Key Takeaways From Tony Robbins

Takeaway 1 – Stand Out

Build unique aspects about your product which stick and stand out from the rest in your industry.

Takeaway 2 – Be Authentic on Social Media

Put your content on social media channels. Be your authentic self-there. It helps in establishing a deeper bond with people.

Takeaway 3 – Write a Book

Showcase your proficiency in the niche by doing something authoritative, such as writing a book about your industry.

Even as the world transitions to the digital era, as long as you execute these 5 key approaches right from the personal branding checklist, you will be successful in creating a strong personal brand that speaks for yourself.

Do you know how to build a personal brand that helps you transform your business? 

Get assistance from our wide range of “PROFILE CARD READY MADE WEB TEMPLATES” – Your ONE STOP SOLUTION to brand yourself online by 5x.

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