Surekha Bhosale

Personal Branding | Why Is It So Vital For The C-Suite? [+2 Reasons]

Introduction :

In today’s business landscape, given that how credibility and trust plays an essential role in determining the level of success in any business, personal branding therefore isn’t just an individual necessity, it is also an integral part of every c-level executive to be enhanced on a continual basis and an intelligent business strategy. But, do you know, how significant is it for executives to get this right, and the 3 reasons why a c-level executive needs to build a personal brand. Well, it is exactly what you’ll explore and get to learn from in this blog post. So, let’s begin!!!

However, before we jump right into it, What is c-suite? Can you tell?

For those who do not have a clue, a c-suite is deemed the most imperative and influential group of individuals within a company. Most frequently the CEO, CFO, and COO profiles come to head when talking about the c-suite. Although, there are several other positions that fall into this executive level.

Some other c-suite officers include:

  • Chief Automation Officer (CAO)
  • Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
  • Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO)
  • Chief Agility Officer (CAO)
  • Chief Behavioral Officer (CBO)
  • Chief Brand Officer (CBO)
  • Chief Cloud Officer (CCO)
  • Chief Compliance Officer (CCO)
  • Chief Customer Officer (CCO)
  • Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Do c-suite executives and senior managers require a personal brand?

Consider this – in business, if you don’t define your brand, your competitors will. Choose your own values, own definition because if you don’t, someone else will. That’s the number one rule of branding. The same holds true in the case of a personal brand. 

Now having known that how significant is it for executives to get personal branding right?

Here’s how?

Competitive Advantage

Many industries are flooded with companies, all delivering relatively the same services and products. A personal brand is a splendid way to stand out from the pack. This plays into the power of word of mouth marketing — studies have displayed that people place a higher premium of suggestions and word of mouth than simple endorsements. This is why brands with reputable CEOs tend to use them as spokespeople and figureheads for the brand, which has proven to be exceptionally successful.

Risk Mitigation

A CEO reputation has an impact, both positive and negative, on a brand’s reputation. If a CEO trashes his reputation, it can have devastating outcomes for even the most successful company. On the other hand, if a CEO is liked by his audience and maintains a solid reputation, this can create a loyalty that can stand up to a company crisis — thus boosting the chances that the company will bounce back.

Brand Value

Your personal brand isn’t just about your reputation. It also has a surprising effect on your company’s brand. This clearly shows a clear correlation between a business’s success and the reputation of its CEO.

Reason #1: Boost Your Company’s Promotional Endeavours

With respect to relations with the public and brand marketing, every company requires as much competitive edge as they can collect and your position as a well-branded executive can go a long way in stepping up that edge.

If for example, your company ventures into a new line of products or services, as an executive, you – having equipped yourself with a captivating personal brand – can very easily familiarize and build your brand with the target market to productively pitch such commodity to the public.

Reason #2: Job Security for Yourself

When you have an established personal brand that’s pulling in revenue and extra leads for your company, you weave yourself into the fabric of the business more-so than other executives. This doesn’t make you invincible, but it definitely adds an additional layer of job security for yourself.

Things may be going well right now, although it’s always good to have as much influence as possible.

If a company is forced to let one person go on the executive team, they have to make a tough decision between one person who doesn’t have a personal brand and the other who’s personal brand develops leads and sales each month. Who do you believe is more likely to be on the chopping block?

Reason #3: Generate Greater Respect

Building a personal brand as well as becoming a thought leader in your industry generates more respect for your personal brand, however that respect even translates to your company as well.  While being an executive of your company, you are an extension of the company’s brand whether you want to be or not.

As you gain more respect as a thought leader in your industry, the overall perception of your company will be impacted positively as well. Not only will your personal brand help grow the public perception of your company, but you will also be more respected and will possess more influence within the walls of your own company as well.

Takeaway: Personal Branding Lesson for C-Level Executive on Establishing a Personal Brand

Crafting an effective personal brand requires constant time as well as energy. But, answering these few fundamental questions will assist you get started in building the bones of an effective personal brand:

Q. What is different about your style of leadership?

Q. How are you a better executive?

Q. What can you do that other C-Suite leaders can’t?

Q. Why are you doing great things?

Building and managing your personal profile is important for anyone in business, but notably so for c-suite executives and board directors. There are a lot of creative ways that a company can profit from a personal brand of an executive. It’s a great idea to get creative and determine a way that your company can leverage from your personal brand. Remember that the key is to know when the right time is to work on yourself. Not doing so could hurt your long-term executive profession possibilities. Best of Luck!!!

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