Surekha Bhosale

What is the VALUE of BRAND YOU? | Why Should You Invest?

Introduction :

When it comes to the idea of “personal branding”, we do know this that:

It is NOT

Being a narcissist, deceiving people or exaggerating your abilities and achievements

But it IS

An expression of professional and personal identity indicating uniqueness and clarity about who you are (your reputation and merit), what can you offer to the audience.

As discussed in our previous blog article – Importance of Personal Branding (To refer the article, visit

However, do you know the value of your personal brand? Well, if NO then continue reading this article further…. 

For a fact we do know the value of investments. It is somewhat difficult to always control your investments due to external forces. On the other hand, controlling personal brand is in your hands. The value that you garner from your personal brand is priceless.

Now you understand Why is personal branding of value? If still unsure then it basically revolves around these points:

  • Creates differentiation and separation
  • Implies a sense of purpose
  • Flexible evolution
  • Builds confidence
  • Reflects a consistent theme (narrative)
  • Attracts attention!

Hope you got the gist of it. 

Building up a personal brand is just the same as building up a company brand. And the key to successfully build your personal brand and stand out from a rather large crowd of competitors in a similar niche is to understand the value of marketing yourself to potential clients. It’s basically putting your unique value proposition in no more than two sentences. Yes, it is also known as your brand statement. Companies do this often. Take for instance, the sister company of Hrishi Computer Education (an IT institute that shapes youth with employable skills), GlobReach (an Online Marketing & Custom Software, Web Development Company). It brands itself by stating “Partners for powering your Online Strategy.”

If you haven’t developed your personal brand, the time to start is now. Demonstrate your value to others by crafting your personal brand identity online easily in 2 days without any technical knowledge at today!!!

Marketing yourself is a total transfer of confidence. Interestingly enough, Kim Garst (the International Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Influencer Social Selling Strategist, Live Streaming Evangelist and CEO of KG Enterprises) said, Focus on identifying your target audience, communicating an authentic message that they want and need and project yourself as an ‘expert’ within your niche.

So, you need to be confident while selling your value to the client if you want your potential customer to believe in your personal brand.

Why Should YOU Invest In Personal Brand?

We are aware that online presence is vital in today’s digital age. Due to this, it has now become crucial for us to invest our personal brand. 

Here are 6 reasons as to why must you invest in a personal brand:

  1. Communicates vision

A well-positioned personal brand helps you effectively communicate your vision and value systems thereby earning you repute in your niche.

  1. Builds trust

Personal branding also helps inspire trust, necessary to build professional networks with people in the industry and maintain healthy relationships with them.

  1. Boosts conversions

With effective personal branding, prospective clients can reach a business, rather than the other way around. If existing customers share the same value as you and have developed trust in you, they will be a trusted source of testimonials and referrals for your business.

  1. Increases your market value

Customers buy expensive products from brands they attach high value to. In similar light, personal branding helps YOU to attach value to YOUR name, which then sets the base to increase the marked price of the company they are associated with.

  1. Gains loyalty

Remember, your personal brand is how people describe you when you are not in the room. It’s not about the first impression, but a long lasting perception, created with consistent effort. It is pivotal to demonstrate why clients should choose you and your firm over other choices available in the market.

  1. Provides flexibility

A well-recognised brand name increases your worth in the industry, gives you freedom to decide who you want to work with, and gives you the choice of a flexible work schedule.

Final Thoughts

Look at a personal brand as an extension of yourself and what matters most to you. If you do that you’re sure to earn the loyalty and respect of your audience.

Need to build and connect your identity to a wider audience digitally? Visit

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